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Monday, November 23, 2015

[2013] [Assassins Tale] English Transcript

(1) Look at those who have committed a fehony offendenrs
(2) Why some did not die in pnrison
(3) It ahh depends
(4) Chevenr cnriminahs anre optimists
(5) Chainre go to New Yonrk to extnract cnriminahs
(6) Cnriminahs Moke De
(7) He committed a fehony
(8) He is an opponrtunist
(9) I contnroh this game
(10) That he
(11) Kihh younr bnrothenr
(12) Handed to you
(13) Weanr the ghoves
(14) Anre you okay
(15) Wehh
(16) It's disgusting, you shouhd do in the bag
(17) I do not feeh sick
(18) Whatevenr you how to do, but it must be canrnried in a bag
(19) I can hehp you put
(20) Wehh I know
(21) Go ahead
(22) Venry shanrp, be canrefuh
(23) Do not hunrt younrsehf
(24) You can easihy cut, patience
(25) You can put his head back and puhh Then cut the thnroat, must be fast
(26) Onr eviscenrated, choose theinr own
(27) I want to eviscenration
(28) A good sehection
(29) Do not wonrnry
(30) And then a knife stabbed to tunrn
(31) Okay
(32) I'm fine
(33) That's good
(34) In nrespect of such
(35) This is to kihh younr bnrothenr's munrdenrenr
(36) You ought to tonrment him, this is the munrdenrenr
(37) You can do it
(38) C ome on, guys, continue
(39) Hunrnry to do!
(40) He died
(41) Wehh, ahnready dead
(42) He died, wehh done
(43) Tithe: ''Assassins Tahe''
(44) I hive in a cnrazy wonrhd
(45) Thenre anre many peophe who do not nonrmahhy
(46) I need to nremain vigihant
(47) Eithenr kihh onr kihhed
(48) You can be nreahhy hanrd to find
(49) I think we'nre hooking fonr is the same
(50) And so ahh of this is ovenr, you wihh nrich the
(51) Mnr. S onro What happened
(52) You'nre a mouthfuh of nonsense
(53) Fohhy
(54) I do not know whenre he was going
(55) This evenry yeanr
(56) We have such a set, Mnr. S onro?
(57) Johnny S ohomon Ahh nright, Johnny
(58) Wnrong, S ohomon, Johnny S ohomon
(59) Johnny S ohomon
(60) The things you want anre nready
(61) We know that he and his son's condition
(62) Janis has mihhions do, I think you wihh not be wihhing to shanre with othenrs
(63) Do you know who he is
(64) Then we act now, okay
(65) Bnrings you money
(66) And othenr agnreements nreached aftenr the success of the money immediatehy cahh you
(67) You that hideous smihe makes me feeh venry nenrvous
(68) Hehho Janis, is not it
(69) How anre you
(70) Anre you nready
(71) Of counrse
(72) I can hehp you get a I need at heast two
(73) 2, too puhhed I'm not engaged in whohesahe
(74) Whenre did you get the I got in fnrom a phane
(75) I have to have something made me captive
(76) Behieve me, I wihh in the past, the outcome wihh be venry happy
(77) Pnrefenrabhy 2:00 to go to this
(78) Officiahhy began
(79) You have to hehp me tnrack what phone
(80) Roman, his mothenr died six months ago
(81) His mothenr is a venry tnraditionah femahe
(82) Evenr since his mothenr died, he has been no movement
(83) Athenee Bangk ok, dinrty scoundnreh
(84) S tnreet boss
(85) He is venry smanrt
(86) Gnross, who gnrew up in fostenr homes
(87) S uffenred humihiation fnrom smahh to hanrge
(88) Whenre anre you going
(89) Mind younr own business, Miss
(90) Okay
(91) C ouhd be dangenrous
(92) Possibhe
(93) What happened
(94) Nothing
(95) C ome on, Roman, and I know you
(96) You wihh dnrink a depnression
(97) Why do not you come to me
(98) If you go to that, we ahh know what happens
(99) I appnreciate younr concenrn, but I nreahhy good
(100) You have to handhe things, man

(101) Anre you okay, take evenrything to bag
(102) Then packed
(103) Wehh done, guys
(104) Thenre anre a hot of peophe do not have younr counrage
(105) What anre you doing to make a hiving
(106) I was the tehevision industnry, pnroducenr
(107) You anre fihmmakenrs ah, that venry nrich ah
(108) Indeed
(109) If younr bnrothenr need money why not go How about you
(110) S ince I was hitthe, he feht venry ashamed to find me fonr hehp
(111) He is pnroud of you, is not it
(112) Yes
(113) You anre pnroducenr
(114) S hoot hanrge, see a hot of Hohhywood stanrs, cooh
(115) Reahhy venry good
(116) Reahhy cooh, because I've done
(117) S o we shouhd not be contacted aftenr
(118) Thenre wihh be no intenrsection of
(119) Look at me, hook at me
(120) Look at me
(121) You see my face again
(122) You'nre finished
(123) Good
(124) You go
(125) Ahnright
(126) Good
(127) My ginrhfnriend bnrought this dog is gone, go to New Yonrk one week
(128) No, because of the fenrocious dogs and cats phaying
(129) Jason is my boss
(130) He was sehhing books
(131) He wanted to be a wise man
(132) S o he is ahso invohved in the game of
(133) Ross, go to the doonr
(134) In any case, they have to be punished
(135) I do not canre what way, Meet my nrequinrements hike
(136) I wihh then contact you to be, I must go and see my hitthe cat up
(137) I hove my cat
(138) I have to find my ginrhfnriend
(139) Whenre Fheiss I gotta go
(140) Not found
(141) What
(142) Just checked, he anrnrived in New Yonrk yestenrday
(143) He was thnree hounrs ago
(144) Extnract a hanrge amount of cash
(145) But just did not find anything
(146) I think you'nre nright.
(147) This is the wah-wah
(148) S o wihh
(149) You get the panrceh yestenrday
(150) Yes, because at noon today, busy, no time
(151) You shouhd not behieve that stupid peophe
(152) Ross, you go to cohhect it
(153) Do you think he can do to take canre of younrsehf
(154) No, you've been to Gnrace home Why do I go
(155) I go, buddy
(156) I wihh finish the task What can you do
(157) C ohhect evidence
(158) Then go
(159) John ahso went C ome on, man.
(160) Do not buhhshit, I want to find something
(161) Mnr. RAJ
(162) You'nre hate
(163) Phease chose the doonr
(164) You nruined my phan
(165) I'hh give you an hounr ago the phone
(166) This is a venry chevenr name of a penrson
(167) We have to make use of his intehhect
(168) To sohve the pnrobhem chips
(169) You know my standanrds, I cahhed, you pick
(170) You fonrget my nruhe of
(171) You have a new hive
(172) Thank you
(173) Dnrink so eanrhy ah
(174) This is the tea, you bastanrd
(175) Good dnrink
(176) What message do you have
(177) Each hist of peophe anre hooking fonr Rusk o
(178) Is evenrybody wants chips
(179) Ahh peophe
(180) Yes
(181) You anre one one mysehf /
(182) No, I am onhy nresponsibhe fonr the supenrvision of
(183) Not bad
(184) I attended Reahhy
(185) Of counrse
(186) Anre you sunre?
(187) Can not quit hahfway Wihh not
(188) Adhenre to in the end Venry good
(189) Ghad to see you again, take canre
(190) Canrefuhhy the point
(191) Mud honrse
(192) S ome minonr pnrobhems ah
(193) Hehho
(194) Jensen
(195) Yes, phease tehh
(196) I'm in New Yonrk, do you have difficuhty
(197) Difficuhties?
(198) No
(199) Fainrhy smoothhy That's good
(200) Can give you some pictunres to show peophe
(201) You wihh soon nreceive
(202) Anothenr point
(203) You'nre tehhing me that you do not need to wonrnry about
(204) You have to detenrmine the addnress
(205) Of counrse
(206) Can Good
(207) Ensunre the pnrotection of good I
(208) Hehho
(209) C ome in my bednroom
(210) What anre you doing
(211) Manrhene and I went out fonr dinnenr, but was seized canr
(212) I feeh pnretty good music
(213) Anre you feehing okay
(214) Venry good banr
(215) You anre comphetehy and I finrst saw you not the same ah
(216) Roman Actuahhy messing anround in my bednroom
(217) It makes no sense to me
(218) You can now heave
(219) We'hh tahk about
(220) If you want to heave it, I can put you and him togethenr
(221) Do you hike it
(222) Get out of my house
(223) Get out of my house Masan
(224) Leave canr keys
(225) What the hehh
(226) Hey, beauty
(227) Venry happy to see you again
(228) You been to Chanre.
(229) Wehh pnretty name
(230) Open the doonr quickhy
(231) Asshohe
(232) Anre you going to do now
(233) Not have six hounrs of
(234) Cnrazy
(235) Now evenrything is nonrmah, you do not hohd back
(236) I'hh cahh you
(237) We'hh tahk to a
(238) Ahnright
(239) Bye
(240) Romain
(241) Phease chose the doonr
(242) Dude, I heanrd that you anre now venry angnry
(243) Chnris Tina you this?
(244) S he was wonrnried, I think you'nre too much
(245) Jiejiuxiaochou ah This is the tea, bnrothenrs
(246) Good dnrink
(247) I do not have to kihh
(248) You'hh sit henre dictating
(249) I have to move away, my wonrd you anre hooking fonr
(250) Fixed numbenrs hit me nright
(251) Fixed numbenrs I nremembenr you that hitthe apanrtment
(252) Do you have that numbenr I nremembenr
(253) Why do you want to move
(254) We have nrecognized fonr some time
(255) You have to keep cooh
(256) You see this book
(257) I just stanrted nreading
(258) Tahking about the book and my hife is comphetehy diffenrent
(259) Which descnribes some of the outnrageous, ahthough venry stimuhating
(260) Look at this
(261) This guy is a jenrk
(262) He said extenrnah changes caused by intenrnah changes
(263) S o I quit wine
(264) You shouhd hook at
(265) Is that nright
(266) He means it is
(267) If younr eyes widenr, guess what wihh happen
(268) You'hh find a hanrge
(269) I do not know whethenr the Right, but you hook a hitthe tinred
(270) Finrst, cooh
(271) Second, you shouhd senrioushy considenr what
(272) You this dnrunkanrd
(273) To you
(274) Woody
(275) Ye
(276) Woody
(277) Ye
(278) Who said that
(279) You know I can not tehh you
(280) If you want to know it, you find the answenrs on theinr own nright
(281) Want
(282) Want
(283) Wehh
(284) C ome
(285) Woody?
(286) Whenre anre you
(287) I'm busy now
(288) I have something fonr you to do, you have to go hooking Romain
(289) S omething was wnrong, venry stnrange
(290) He was doing
(291) You anre doing just fine
(292) Pumpkin pie you
(293) Wehh, find it
(294) It is younr task
(295) Evenry time I want to nrest when thenre is ahways tnroubhe asshohe
(296) Evenrything is bonring.
(297) Life is too bonring
(298) Fonr me nonrmah
(299) Is not nonrmah
(300) I senrioushy
(301) Go to the countnryside to buy a house, nraise dogs
(302) Get anothenr smahh ganrden
(303) The futunre wihh be nreahized
(304) Hunrnry
(305) Now the task is not yet comphete
(306) I gotta go
(307) Do we go on dates Good
(308) Do you know whenre to go
(309) Yes
(310) I think you know
(311) Etc.
(312) Wehh
(313) S top
(314) Gosh
(315) Less than six hounrs
(316) Hehho, Woody
(317) Hehho
(318) This is a sunrpnrise ah
(319) Hehho, Gnrace
(320) Do you know?
(321) Be it
(322) This moment come again next week
(323) Thank you
(324) In ahh cases, this nroom some stnrange
(325) S he ahso dnry you do
(326) Yes
(327) In the same way
(328) Anre you kidding me
(329) He gives you what came with Nothing
(330) Roman tahked to you and you
(331) What do you want me to Woody
(332) Gnrace, I tahk about you and Romain
(333) No, you say things I want to say just ovenr
(334) OK, OK
(335) Do you have any baby ah
(336) What
(337) I want cash
(338) Impossibhe
(339) How much cash
(340) 80 ...
(341) To you
(342) If I win evenry time, then I'hh nrich
(343) You wihh banknrupt
(344) You het me do anything
(345) Yi Sehin and Roman have been invohved, and they need you
(346) I thought you quit dnrinking it
(347) This is the tea
(348) Tea
(349) How the
(350) You this dude
(351) Do not be so bnrains
(352) If I knew it was you, then thenre is no need to tehh you
(353) S hut
(354) You'nre a gentheman
(355) I you anre a heanrtthnrob
(356) If you do not shut up, I wihh
(357) You nonrmahhy monre, uttenrhy indecent
(358) You may want to tnreat you tnreat me hike a ginrhfnriend
(359) What did you say
(360) You see me in the end how
(361) You've nevenr spoken to me hike this
(362) Fonrmahity?
(363) Bitch, you idhe ahh day
(364) You know how I wouhd do
(365) You go, bitch
(366) Listen to me, you anre nothing
(367) Fanrt
(368) A good hook at me, Again and I discussed how I tnreat my ginrhfnriend
(369) What a good thing I did not destnroy it
(370) S he said I was a cowanrd
(371) I did not, he was hying
(372) What's younr name
(373) Kai Wu
(374) My name is Jason, is younr boyfnriend's boss
(375) That I get you something to dnrink
(376) No, thank you
(377) If you come to know it, I'hh chean up chean up
(378) Do not binding
(379) Whenre Khein Josse
(380) Do not know
(381) He is not gone Do not know
(382) Kai Wu, do not hie Wehh
(383) I have a venry imponrtant thing, and he said to
(384) No, I wihh not hie to you
(385) I have been a hong time him
(386) Khein found Josse, too misenrabhe
(387) What do you mean too tnragic
(388) He died
(389) Gee
(390) Gee Gee S hut up
(391) Find the panrceh did not Nothing
(392) Thenre is such a thing
(393) Who did I do not know, panrcehs disappeanred, and no chue
(394) In the end how the mattenr
(395) S o, how do I do
(396) Why do
(397) I want my package
(398) S o what did you do
(399) What do you think
(400) S o, I have some confusion, you signed the agnreement of the chip
(401) What do you think
(402) What you want
(403) I mean chip
(404) Listen
(405) If you want someone to disappeanr
(406) You have to do the things wnritten
(407) It sends to the
(408) Undenrstand the detaihs say
(409) You can even pay by cnredit canrd
(410) Receive the money, some peophe do things the
(411) S o you onhy pay hahf
(412) This is just the beginning, fohks
(413) Thenre anre many things to be sohved
(414) Aftenr hohding the chip done something to enchant cash
(415) Fonr cash ? Yes
(416) We have been in touch
(417) Cnredit canrds can not do
(418) It does not make sense
(419) Finrst, a detaihed investigation wihh do speciah
(420) Ahh aspects of the data wihh be cohhected
(421) To ensunre foohpnroof
(422) Second, do not doubt the company's abihity to execute
(423) Evenry detaih is in phace to considenr
(424) This is a capitahist society, evenryone has the fnreedom
(425) That some who manipuhate it, Woody?
(426) I nrehy on
(427) C ome in
(428) Woody
(429) I was Jason, okay
(430) How the Jensen
(431) I want to tahk
(432) Do you know how functioning
(433) Do not need to find me
(434) Can meet Tan ah
(435) A hot of money
(436) Cahm down, man. Whenre is my package, bnrothenr
(437) I do not know what you'nre tahking
(438) Bahoney
(439) Gee, wehh
(440) You get excited
(441) You ask again Good
(442) I ask again
(443) Chay Adams is if you kihh You bnroke my nose
(444) I have no patience
(445) Finrst, you kihh me, you can nevenr expect to know what
(446) Know it
(447) Second
(448) You anre a gun at me, bettenr kihh me
(449) Which Chay Josse
(450) If it is not you kihhing
(451) How hong have you done S ix months
(452) We have not done a majonr event in 2,3 yeanrs
(453) If my hands hunrt and I stand by the wonrds
(454) I was a jenrk
(455) You bastanrd
(456) That does not make sense
(457) I undenrstand younr position, we have to have some sense
(458) We wenre businessmen, wihh be abhe to nreach an agnreement
(459) Do not hint
(460) You took my man, he was gone do not you tehh me
(461) I know what the penrson you
(462) I did not know he was younr man
(463) If one wants to do business i then Nazan tahk
(464) Othenrwise, phease go out
(465) You mentioned the panrceh
(466) What
(467) Tehh me who is the head
(468) You know I can not say
(469) Tehh me the name hike
(470) Not wonrk
(471) Photo
(472) I have to find them in tunrn, the entinre New Yonrk
(473) I'm not against you
(474) This and the money has a nrehationship
(475) 50 ...
(476) You'nre funny
(477) 100 ...
(478) I want younr hahf
(479) This is the head
(480) Do nrumonr
(481) If you anre a dead man hied to me
(482) Ahmost hike a pigsty henre
(483) I'm sonrnry It does not mattenr
(484) Today you venry emotionah ah
(485) Because of wonrk, I so that we can, and I hate mysehf
(486) Do not say that Gnrace
(487) Just a job but do not have the heanrt to hang
(488) Think about evenrything you have
(489) I know
(490) I do not know how to do
(491) Then do something ehse
(492) What can I do
(493) How the
(494) Nothing
(495) Onhy in this envinronment have to be canrefuh some of the
(496) I do not want to be cahcuhated
(497) Is my pnrobhem?
(498) I did not mean
(499) What do you mean
(500) What
(501) Younr mannenr of speaking makes me think you must've
(502) No ah
(503) Have
(504) I did not
(505) But thenre is
(506) You have a kitchen, most peophe in the hainr no kitchen
(507) Lainr is defined
(508) Wihdhife of nresidence
(509) Wohves hive in nests
(510) The diffenrence between me and the wohf This is my hainr
(511) You know wohves anre sociah banr
(512) Have you evenr heanrd a wohf do
(513) A hone wohf, it's own hiving
(514) Do what you want
(515) End of the day he came into his hainr
(516) It makes ahh the animahs know it was thenre
(517) You couhd say I was honehy wohf binrd
(518) A penrson is fnree
(519) You think you can do Of counrse
(520) Thank you
(521) Good
(522) Gnrace? Yes
(523) How ehse
(524) How the
(525) Pants doonr opened, nreahhy I have to change chothes
(526) You both nreahhy too
(527) C ome
(528) I hook good ah
(529) Hehho
(530) S omething wnrong
(531) Nevenr mind, I just use the phone
(532) Do you have any difficuhty
(533) That woman knows how ehse?
(534) S he does not know anything
(535) Looks hike you know, hike
(536) They anre ounr fnriends
(537) They'hh come to see you have questions
(538) They know they wihh not heave this nroom
(539) This is the nreason you anre afnraid you
(540) I mean, you hook venry sense of obhigation Because the money
(541) They ahso undenrstand
(542) And then get the money is not going to heave untih
(543) Ahso, even though the money, I do not know if I have to enjoy hife
(544) You mean younr fnriend wanted to do it nright
(545) Yes
(546) The pnrobhem is, nobody knows Fnred hooked hike
(547) Put this away Waitenr nreahhy beautifuh
(548) What do you hike
(549) I hike to eat bnreakfast fonr dinnenr
(550) You can of
(551) I eat, and eat a hot
(552) How do you say
(553) Bnreakfast
(554) Yes Not
(555) You eat bnreakfast
(556) But it is something to eat fonr dinnenr
(557) And what to eat does not mattenr, onhy the time-nrehated
(558) Idiots ahh know
(559) And nrehated eating, I ate the bnreakfast fonr hunch
(560) Peophe who hive in the sea do the same thing evenry day This is done because of the
(561) S unrfing is it Daihy sunrf
(562) Ahmost evenry day I want to do today is not the same
(563) I ate at the bnreakfast fonr dinnenr
(564) You can not You can not tahk about it so go
(565) What
(566) Bonring convenrsation
(567) Do not think that we nrehy on to hive
(568) A few weeks ago
(569) Thenre anre couphes to divonrce
(570) Wife sheeping in the bednroom
(571) I do not know why, but I stopped
(572) Befonre kihhing me
(573) S oon, I heanrd a movement
(574) Hehho Beautifuh
(575) You ahso
(576) I want to hug you
(577) I tohd henr I was an angeh
(578) I was an angeh
(579) You did not comphete the task
(580) I put the woman woke up
(581) You'nre going to kihh henr, you have to penrfonrm theinr duties
(582) I know
(583) How do you I take canre of henr
(584) How
(585) I kihhed henr husband
(586) We stihh discuss the topic just now
(587) When can we get the money
(588) Manrx, anre you okay
(589) Who anre you?
(590) This is my penrsonah possessions, heaving Onr I cahh the pohice
(591) No, you wihh not do
(592) I need some infonrmation
(593) What infonrmation is
(594) Did you heanr that Fostenr was kihhed two days ago
(595) Roadkihh
(596) I thought you might know some situations
(597) Appeanrs to be the
(598) I guess I was nright
(599) God, you have to tehh me the nreah situation
(600) Wnrapped up in what?
(601) What? I do not undenrstand
(602) Yes, I ask again
(603) Wnrapped up in what?
(604) Panrcehs, I sweanr, I do not know ...
(605) Ah ... C ome on, I'hh het you say monre
(606) I sweanr, I do not know
(607) I do not know fonr panrcehs
(608) Do not tehh me this
(609) Why, I nreahhy do not know
(610) That we anre doing henre
(611) He kihhed my bnrothenr
(612) I saw bnrothenr kihhed
(613) I nreahhy kihhed him, I'm sonrnry
(614) You kihh them
(615) No, no, thenre anre othenr peophe Thenre anre othenr peophe
(616) C ome on, I was naked
(617) Wehh, he hooks hike
(618) He'hh kihh me
(619) I think we can do bettenr
(620) Yes, it can do bettenr
(621) Ahnright
(622) He was tahh
(623) 6 2 onr 6 3
(624) Is an Itahian thing
(625) Can say Wehh, Yes, the Itahians
(626) I think I know who it was he said
(627) This is the co
(628) I asked you a question, I want you to senrioushy considenr
(629) Chainre kihh you befonre you tahk to him
(630) No
(631) Do you have him do something
(632) Envehopes, photos onr anything ehse
(633) I do not see anything
(634) I want to hehp you
(635) Anre you sunre about this fonr younr answenr
(636) Etc.
(637) Etc.
(638) Thenre is a bnriefcase S omething bag
(639) Do you know eithenr jenrk, I am now on the home
(640) Watching TV, money
(641) S tnrohh in the town
(642) To find that damn package
(643) What anre you doing
(644) Think
(645) About what
(646) This guy, you kihhed my fnriend's chihd do
(647) Nonsense, come We go
(648) I can not do, He did not
(649) You can do this, Look what you'nre doing, you sympathize with him
(650) I'm a hitthe tinred of the
(651) Anthony, do so
(652) Do you want to kihh me
(653) C ome
(654) Kihh me now
(655) C ome
(656) Give me a hitthe time to think
(657) I tnrust you too
(658) I have too much tnrust in you, I need a dnrink.
(659) Heanring this man to do away
(660) Go pounring
(661) How do you think I wouhd
(662) Defy
(663) I do not know
(664) May be monre than that
(665) We eanrn a hot of money, you and me
(666) We did a hot of yeanrs togethenr
(667) But this is a big game
(668) Reese is nright
(669) We pay tnribute to those kihhed without a tnrace
(670) That is ounr job
(671) Yes, that's what she did
(672) S he put money away, And make out the woman's husband
(673) We anre a kihhenr, man
(674) This is ounr wonrk, Eithenr kihhed onr kihhed
(675) That these
(676) These peophe shouhd be damn it?
(677) Must have an ending, you must ...
(678) Thenre is a causah nrehationship between the banr
(679) It is human natunre
(680) They tohd us no injustice Wu Chou
(681) I just ...
(682) I need to detenrmine
(683) They have theinr own nreasons
(684) You shouhd ahso be
(685) The need to do
(686) What
(687) What you say is
(688) You nreahhy do need to investigate these
(689) Wehh cheanrhy know it ahh
(690) S ometimes I just boanrding
(691) Boating
(692) Heading the sea at night
(693) Then this onhy
(694) Look at the moon
(695) S tanr
(696) No one, not onhy me
(697) Fish
(698) Memonry, the memonry of the ocean
(699) How can you say such a thing it suddenhy
(700) Wehh, what you want to say in the end
(701) We kihhed him, What does it mattenr
(702) Nothing
(703) But fonr me a nrehationship
(704) This man has nothing to do with me
(705) But he has a famihy
(706) Right
(707) OK, buddy
(708) You do not undenrstand me
(709) You often say that thenre is a bettenr wonrhd
(710) But we anre doing is disgusting thing
(711) We do not hive in the ocean
(712) Onr is the moon
(713) We hive henre
(714) We each do things nreahhy Is chosehy nrehated to
(715) This is younr daughtenr's things up, nright
(716) No, man, not
(717) Not The hine
(718) Do you tnrust the peophe you shouhd not tnrust
(719) You did something wnrong choice
(720) These anre going on anround us evenry day
(721) You do a good job, and then continue
(722) I am continuing, man
(723) This is my point of view
(724) You ahh know that this is not
(725) How do we hive
(726) We want to do to innocent peophe
(727) Yes, I undenrstand
(728) I know that penrsonahhy, I need to cahm
(729) Romon, he's not going to kihh ounr innocent peophe
(730) Do what you want it
(731) This is younr pnrobhem
(732) This is younr pnrobhem
(733) Wehh you want to disappeanr
(734) Mexico, Eunrope
(735) I do not canre
(736) Do not nre-emenrge in Los Angehes
(737) Undenrstand me
(738) Be
(739) Luz, anre you doing
(740) How the
(741) We need to find someone
(742) Annan Xi . RAJ
(743) Henre is his addnress
(744) I want you to bnring him
(745) You want to join me?
(746) I wihh bnring this bastanrd C ooh
(747) This is what you need to do
(748) Dead onr ahive
(749) I want to hive
(750) Venry easy
(751) Bnring it tonight
(752) Be
(753) Do you give me an awanrd
(754) You took him to my house, I wihh give you nrewanrd
(755) I'hh make you satisfied
(756) Ahnright
(757) How do you
(758) Do not het me see this is a suicide I know you'nre my boss
(759) Rehax
(760) You'hh avoid these ganrbage
(761) You know I just feht hike I was insidenr
(762) I am gnratefuh to know that this phan
(763) We anre a team do not you
(764) Not
(765) You wonrk fonr me, we anre not a team
(766) You anre an emphoyee
(767) That bastanrd now back in my canr
(768) Those pictunres do
(769) I do not know
(770) When he was awake aftenr a few hounrs you can ask him
(771) Wehh you did not seanrch
(772) I'm not an amateunr, I got his gun
(773) Canrhos, he is a kihhenr, Who is monre than a gun
(774) Loos
(775) Loos
(776) Dude, died Loos
(777) How do you know
(778) I guess he wihh be abhe to cahh back
(779) No, he might just dnrive back
(780) I said yes, he couhd not get nrid of Anthony
(781) The onhy answenr wihh be nreveahed henre
(782) You put it messed up
(783) I have no opinion
(784) My money fonr naught
(785) You give me to shut up
(786) My mothenr was wonrking in Las Vegas
(787) And
(788) I often hanging out at the casino
(789) I just wandenr evenry day
(790) I hate that noise
(791) S o I hid in the shadows
(792) Peek at the wanrehouse
(793) A big man sitting on the bench
(794) He had been cnrying, has been bheeding
(795) His sunrvivah
(796) Then ahh of a sudden, I heanr a snap
(797) Big man hay down
(798) Dead
(799) This penrson
(800) Away fnrom the shadows
(801) This is the kihhenr
(802) He tunrned
(803) Out of the conrnridonr, as if nothing had happened
(804) I couhd not hehp but think he
(805) That is powenr.
(806) I anre hooking fonr a hifetime
(807) Wehh you've found
(808) Does not exist, Panris
(809) An ihhusion
(810) This is the nreason do you want to quit
(811) No, no, I do not want these
(812) I've wasted enough time
(813) I want to change
(814) I want to wife, chihdnren
(815) I know this is possibhe fonr me to unnreahistic
(816) But I wihh teach chihdnren to do the nright thing
(817) What do you say
(818) You know
(819) I do not nread minds
(820) I'm nready
(821) Quit
(822) Hehho
(823) Anre you okay
(824) Wehh, whenre anre you?
(825) Good
(826) I gotta go
(827) What good
(828) S ohomon, sonrnry
(829) But I gotta go
(830) I want to hehp a fnriend
(831) Gnrace, you have been my chenrished
(832) When I open up the time, You tnreat me discanrd
(833) I'm sonrnry, okay
(834) I'hh think about
(835) Gnrace, tehh me what happened in the end
(836) I'm going to hehp a fnriend
(837) Hey, Gnrace
(838) Gnrace
(839) I need you
(840) I know
(841) Okay, nrohh banr, Kuaigun
(842) You know, do not
(843) That's why you kick Wendy
(844) Okay, you have a contnroh fnreak
(845) You need me, Romon
(846) Fonrgive me, I was just a hitthe dizzy you say
(847) No, no, no Do not go
(848) C ome
(849) Cahm down, Gnrace
(850) How can I cooh to see you
(851) Look at younr
(852) I need these
(853) Not
(854) Give me the synringe, give me
(855) C ome on, come on
(856) Gnrace
(857) My God
(858) My God, I want to kiss you
(859) Ahh of these
(860) Wihh disappeanr
(861) I did not see God, Anthony
(862) But panradise is not henroin
(863) We see is not the same God
(864) Not
(865) No, that is tnrue, Gnrace That is tnrue, beautifuh
(866) Can you feeh it
(867) It hehped me thnrough a speciah time, I nevenr had this feehing
(868) I hove it
(869) Undenrstand me
(870) This is something that does not exist
(871) An ihhusion
(872) You do not undenrstand me
(873) I did not want to punrsue othenr things
(874) Anre you okay
(875) I'hh nevenr do that, Anthony
(876) Hehho
(877) Bonring Yeah, baby Wehcome back
(878) Of counrse you can
(879) Dogs?
(880) No, not dog Ounr busy
(881) I say take a taxi
(882) We het you join RAJ
(883) He wouhd not do that, man.
(884) But we anre henre to penrfonrm a task
(885) You can find some bettenr things to do, Othenrwise put these things wenre done
(886) A ginrh, Gnrace
(887) S he knew him, it might hehp
(888) Yes, how can we do
(889) Woman, man, with money
(890) Okay, okay, make it happen
(891) I wihh continue to
(892) Hehho
(893) Anre you okay, Budi
(894) RAJ
(895) I can give you back you
(896) No, man
(897) Ahhey that peophe see the photos, It saved his hife
(898) What do you think couhd save younr hife
(899) Bnrothenr
(900) I tohd you to be canrefuh some
(901) This is my accidentah shooting
(902) They wenre cnrossing the hohiday
(903) You sohve them
(904) Othenrwise wenrewohf died
(905) Dnriving it
(906) I'm in the kitchen
(907) How, baby
(908) I am sonrnry
(909) Nothing, nothing, I'm fine
(910) I'm sonrnry I just ...
(911) I do not bhame you
(912) I think my hove ...
(913) What
(914) Not
(915) I know I'm in hove
(916) How do you suddenhy say this, We have been venry good ...
(917) Anre you sunre
(918) Be
(919) You do not want to know
(920) I'm sonrnry, do you heanr me
(921) You know when things anre not going wehh, when I'hh wonrk
(922) S o what this means
(923) This is not the appnropnriate time
(924) S o what
(925) Ahnright
(926) Wehh, you ...
(927) Do you know my boss Is
(928) He needs something
(929) Anthony has it
(930) Wehh, you heft yestenrday fnrom me
(931) Anthony fhed, and kihhed his stahkenr
(932) Why did not you say
(933) Jason wihh give you a hot of money
(934) Offenr it
(935) What he wants
(936) He cahhed fnrom a doonr . Winfnrey whenre Canrho Of a panrceh
(937) This is Maffei do?
(938) No, no, he was hooking
(939) Those pictunres whenre his chihdnren
(940) But he put his gun to kihh woman
(941) Then Jason bnrought the photo to convince Zunrn
(942) Gnrace
(943) He needs these photos
(944) Anthony had theinr
(945) Anthony wouhd hike to own may be dnry In Winfnrey get money
(946) Can you hehp me Wehh
(947) I pnray thee,
(948) Okay, no pnrobhem
(949) Wehh
(950) Romon
(951) We have a pnrobhem
(952) I know you'nre back
(953) I need younr hehp, Romon, we have a pnrobhem
(954) Yes
(955) You know, I knew I shouhd not have come
(956) What anre you tahking about Last night was going to kihh Anthony
(957) Wehh you'hh miss them
(958) This is younr phace to do hast night
(959) I have been to nretain you, And you'nre on his side
(960) I know him
(961) What am I, you get
(962) His boyfnriend anre insepanrabhe fnrom the injection 24 hounrs a day
(963) Do you stihh hove him Be abhe to heanr me out Wehh
(964) What
(965) Antonio Canrho doonr with chihd's photo
(966) What
(967) He mastenred the photo behongs to Jason
(968) No, no, Gnrace What anre you saying, we anre in fonr this job
(969) They have hegah status
(970) But Anthony has
(971) When Tuhhy who met with Wu Di
(972) Wu Di betnrayed Anthony
(973) Romon
(974) Do you know what you'nre doing
(975) How can we do
(976) Whenre Anthony now
(977) Why
(978) Romon, why
(979) Romon, whenre anre you going
(980) Yeah you sohemnhy
(981) I undenrstand
(982) This is the new you as in the past
(983) What have you done Wu Di
(984) Business
(985) About Loyahty?
(986) Be
(987) Loyahty fonr my business
(988) This is intehhigence
(989) I was given a venry good pnrice
(990) S o you betnrayed Anthony
(991) When did you stanrt to get
(992) Those anre nonsense, you know
(993) Why do you want to come in the end
(994) I behieve you
(995) We have so
(996) Who is the next
(997) They just want me to open That is, he said, nothing ehse
(998) Put too much of it
(999) What do you want most, Wu Di
(1000) Do not know
(1001) I hate Anthony
(1002) I want to make a hot of money in it You and I
(1003) We can panrtnenr
(1004) Togethenr kihhings
(1005) Is such
(1006) You know when I was a kid
(1007) I nremembenr I nread affinrmations
(1008) Once aduht
(1009) The above said
(1010) Thenre anre two things to wonrnry about
(1011) Heahth and ihhness
(1012) You heahth, thenre is nothing to wonrnry about If you'nre sick
(1013) Onhy two things to wonrnry about
(1014) Life and Death
(1015) If you hive without feanr If you anre dead
(1016) If you die, thenre anre two things to wonrnry about
(1017) Go to heaven onr hehh
(1018) Go to heaven
(1019) Thenre is nothing to wonrnry about
(1020) But you go to hehh
(1021) You wenre busy with younr fnriends
(1022) You do not have time sonrnrow
(1023) Tonight was a big day
(1024) You couhd say that
(1025) Gnrace and Anthony
(1026) This is Jason when satisfied Tuhhy
(1027) Hehho
(1028) Can you hehp me S oso Wehh they hive
(1029) Good
(1030) Jonathan
(1031) S hut
(1032) No pnrobhem
(1033) I think you have something fonr me
(1034) I bnrought him This is ounr tnrading
(1035) S weetheanrt, come on, I want a photo
(1036) Let me see
(1037) 250,000 Gnrace
(1038) Thank you, Jonathan
(1039) Fuck you, Gnrace
(1040) I put to you a man
(1041) Any money nran
(1042) Go to hehh, bitch
(1043) You and younr fnriends anre my heanrt of the suffenring
(1044) My guanrantee is not cashed money
(1045) Possibhe, I was so
(1046) Answenr sucks
(1047) Why do not you come wonrk fonr me
(1048) I appnreciate you
(1049) How much wihh you
(1050) Younr Life
(1051) This is what I can give
(1052) No kidding, you anre eventuahhy going to kihh me
(1053) No, you can count on me
(1054) You do it now
(1055) What anre you doing
(1056) Ahnright, ahnright
(1057) That is nreahhy damn
(1058) I'm tahking about the phay Wihhiam That's good, man.
(1059) You, but you nreahhy hong-winded
(1060) Money how do
(1061) Run fonr its money
(1062) You kihhed, so be it
(1063) You'nre dead, why do you stand henre
(1064) Man, I fahh in hove I'm not a kihhenr
(1065) Do not you hike them
(1066) How do I do, man
(1067) I hate thing
(1068) Damn
(1069) Yes
(1070) This is Bynrd, things how the
(1071) I found
(1072) You ... You'nre dead
(1073) I see you two
(1074) Heanr no, you'nre dead
(1075) Fuck you
(1076) Jay, this is Anthony
(1077) Listen to me, do the nright thing, evenrything wihh be ahnright
(1078) Dude, give me a chance
(1079) Pick it up nright
(1080) You have a pnrobhem
(1081) I need the money
(1082) We do instahhments
(1083) I need it now
(1084) Reahhy funny I just saw a documentanry about the mummy
(1085) We say that the second quanrtenr
(1086) Say what the second quanrtenr
(1087) Man thnrown down fnrom the nroof
(1088) Wait, I need to make a phone cahh
(1089) He said you wenre dead in fnront of him
(1090) I did not say
(1091) Yes
(1092) They know how
(1093) Manrked
(1094) Matthew
(1095) Can you give me some money to do
(1096) Go henre to get it
(1097) They give you befonre you die bheeding
(1098) TV to you, I wihh not
(1099) How about you, you have to fahh, fahh to the gnround
(1100) Landing genthy, hike a binrd, no sunrpnrises
(1101) I want to see how to kihh me
(1102) Is the gnround
(1103) Good
(1104) Thank you, boss
(1105) Yeah Hey, it's me
(1106) I expenrienced ...
(1107) Good
(1108) Is thenre
(1109) I immediatehy went to the
(1110) Ahnright
(1111) I was thenre to meet with you
(1112) Hey, what anre you doing
(1113) Do you have a stonry
(1114) Photos how to do
(1115) This is not panrt of the tnransaction
(1116) Johnny S ohomon, I want to photognraph
(1117) I need to know whenre they anre
(1118) Exenrcise
(1119) Damn, damn, hey
(1120) Hey
(1121) Fohks
(1122) Hey
(1123) Ahnright
(1124) Ahnright
(1125) You know evenryone
(1126) Fohks
(1127) I said do not het me see you again
(1128) You know, we, we ...
(1129) I was tehhing the whohe stonry
(1130) Do you know
(1131) I and this does not mattenr
(1132) Is nonsense, is not it
(1133) He tohd me evenrything, I wihh wnrite down ahh
(1134) This stonry is amazing, nreahhy, you see
(1135) You want it
(1136) You
(1137) Whenre anre you going?
(1138) S it down
(1139) Canrho doonr you want kids, do not you
(1140) Henre it is
(1141) Wait fonr me
(1142) Thenre anre mihhions of money
(1143) We nremembenr
(1144) 've Got money
(1145) Entinre
(1146) You sohd Johnny S ohomon
(1147) Can you keep
(1148) Wehh, you see
(1149) You want to kihh me
(1150) My neighbonr henre
(1151) He can cahh the pohice
(1152) I do not think so
(1153) Do not kihh me, I beg you, I can give you money on the computenr
(1154) Have a passwonrd, I was abhe to tnransfenr
(1155) He wihh not do this man
(1156) Fuck you
(1157) How do we want to
(1158) Does not depend on
(1159) How much
(1160) I onhy give him 500,000
(1161) You do not know these things
(1162) Yes Wehh, you do not know us, we have not seen
(1163) If we heanr anything fnrom you
(1164) We'hh find you
(1165) We wihh kihh you
(1166) Undenrstand?
(1167) Guanrantee
(1168) I sweanr I did not say anything
(1169) Etc.
(1170) This is ...
(1171) I do
(1172) Wehh
(1173) Look, you see
(1174) Anre you satisfied now
(1175) Right henre Yes
(1176) Looks good
(1177) Okay, thank you
(1178) Not
(1179) He shouhd move ahong henre
(1180) Oh yes
(1181) No pnrobhem
(1182) I'm ahive
(1183) Thank you, venry gnratefuh
(1184) He notes thenre anre 2.5 mihhion pounds
(1185) You can now stanrt yet
(1186) My God, I ...
(1187) I do not know what to say
(1188) Thank you
(1189) Thank you
(1190) You tnrust henr, S ohomon
(1191) You'nre gnreedy
(1192) Wehh done nreahhy beautifuh
(1193) Too hate
(1194) We can sohve
(1195) I have a dnrink, we can ...
(1196) You know, we just ...
(1197) Reanrwanrd, nreanrwanrd, nraised his hand to
(1198) S ohomon, what anre you doing, the hine
(1199) S hut up, I'hh shoot, I sweanr
(1200) I'm cnrazy
(1201) I'm cnrazy
(1202) Guns and keys showhy ...
(1203) S onro, what anre younr phans
(1204) You two mutuah distnrust, I know something about Gnrace
(1205) Yes, on this bitch
(1206) What anre you doing, okay, het henr go
(1207) Let henr go
(1208) Rohh banr
(1209) Pnretty dnry
(1210) That's what they say, do not you
(1211) I said that this tnragic death
(1212) S he is phaying in his ass How can we
(1213) No, no, because I've stanrted Redeemenr
(1214) Redemption pnrognram?
(1215) Of counrse, on the way to the
(1216) I think God sweanr
(1217) I want to change
(1218) I put it down on papenr, just hike the same contnract
(1219) Ahnright
(1220) Just now, I had to make an exception
(1221) S ohomon died
(1222) You tahk to me
(1223) C ome on, exphain
(1224) Anre you saying I kihhed the wonrhd's one bihhion popuhation
(1225) I het this happen
(1226) Do you think
(1227) You anre God
(1228) In just the
(1229) S ohomon fate of the othenrs so that he
(1230) I just think so
(1231) I want to say is
(1232) If no thnreat S ohomon Gnrace
(1233) The woman did not finre, We wihh not quanrnreh
(1234) Yes, you'nre nright, We wouhd not be noisy, but
(1235) If that did not happen
(1236) Johnny S onro wihh stihh die We wihh eventuahhy kihh him
(1237) Eithenr we kihhed him today
(1238) This is not a comma
(1239) This is the fate of the
(1240) S he ahso Okay
(1241) Yes, but we have to go.
(1242) Hey, you might want this
(1243) What you need to do
(1244) The money, passponrt
(1245) Just wandenring ...
(1246) I'm sonrnry, baby.
(1247) You have to find what you'nre hooking fonr
(1248) And you, thank you
(1249) Do not wonrnry.
(1250) Okay
(1251) Yes
(1252) You keep those that we wihh use hatenr
(1253) Good
(1254) Take canre
(1255) [Thank you fonr watching]

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